New Employment Center in Udine
Udine, Italy

Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works contract for the New Employment Centre in Udine, located in the former Osoppo Barracks.
Tender Management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works contract for the new Battiferro Student Residence of the University of Bologna, located in the Navile district area.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works contract for the completion of the road link between via Gasparoli and via Bonicalza (S.P. n.20) – III Lot – 2nd Section, in the Municipality of Cassano Magnago.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works contract for the new underground interchange car park with Line 1 of the Turin metro and for the restoration of the Piazza Bengasi local market.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the completion works for the construction of a new hospitality facility inside the Parco dell’Amicizia dei Popoli in the Baesse area of Costermano sul Garda.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the completion works of the road connection between the new bridge over the Ticino River in Vigevano and the existing road network.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the completion construction works of the new Research and Training Center of the University of Pavia, as part of the development of the new ‘Gerolamo Cardano’ Park for Sustainable Innovation.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works of three social housing buildings in Brescia.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the restoration works of the Military Memorial of Cima Grappa and enhancement of the annexed buildings, military fortifications, the former NATO base, and the surrounding areas.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the renovation works of the Central Pavilion at the Gardens of the Venice Biennale.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the renovation works and safety compliance of the E. Bérard Scientific High School building located on Via Conseil des Commis in the municipality of Aosta.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the renovation works and expansion for the Former Deposit “Derrate Alimentari” to be converted into a Student Housing in the Municipality of Ancona
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the redevelopment works and regulatory compliance on the building and the system components of the Palazzo del Capitano in Piazza Beccaria, Milan.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of renovation, conservation and construction works of the property known as the “Ex Caserma Papa” in Brescia.
The overall goal of the project is to enhance the connection between the former barracks and the surrounding urban area by providing cycle-pedestrian pathways, including a new public corridor to improve access to the river. Additionally, the project aims to preserve the historical memory of the barracks, considering the possibility of retaining traces of the old buildings that characterized its urban unity.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works of a new Educational Pavilion within the “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Campus in Modena.
The project aims to define the main access to the campus on Via Zanoni and enhance the original layout by conceptualizing the pavilion as a natural extension of the existing MO25 building, introducing a new entrance. Characterized by an overhang that creates a covered square, the New Pavilion promotes social interactions, reflecting the campus’s aspiration to integrate with the city, making it an attractive point for students and a dynamic link to the surrounding urban environment.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the renovation works of the University Student Residence located on Via Saffi in Ancona.
The project involves defining the intended uses, separating spaces for students and offices. Student accomodations will be distributed on the upper floors, while officies will be located on the ground floor, first and second floor of Building C, including areas in the attic of the Building A and C.
This division ensures a clear separation between student area and office spaces, optimizing the use of the environments and facilitating circulation.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction work for the new secondary school in the Municipality of Mazzano.
The realization involves the creation of a single independent building set within landscaped grounds, consisting of two above-ground floors with an open central courtyard on the roof. It will be connected to the existing building, of which part of the volume will be preserved, by a closed and covered walkway on the first floor.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction work for a new primary school in Villastanza – Via Pascoli.
The new school, resulting from the demolition and reconstruction of the current primary school on Via Olona, will be built on the grounds of the secondary school ‘Romano Rancilio,’ at the intersection of Via G. Pascoli, Via Borromini, and Via Don Mazzoleni. This will create a truly synergistic and efficient educational hub in terms of building design, energy use, and services offered.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction work for the establishment of an Olympic and Paralympic Village at the Alpine School of Predazzo.
The project included seismic upgrades to the Pavilion and other interventions to address structural deficiencies identified in the analyses, in preparation for the Milan-Cortina 2026 Olympics.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the renovation and functional redevelopment works of the M2 line stations, Gessate Branch, in Milan.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction work for the new Psico-Socio-Pedagogical Insitute “Trebbiani”, which will be located within the Ascoli Piceno School Campus.
The new building of the Insitute will consist of four floor and basament level, and it will be able to accomodate a totale of 20 classrooms, in addition to laboratories, a library, an auditorium, and a gymnasium with a regulation-size basketball court.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of requalification works of the Ex Consorzio Agrario area and the reconstruction with volumetric expansion of the new headquarters of the Water Purification Consortium in Noale, Venice. The works include the construction of new buildings using materials and techniques with a low environmental impact.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the restoration and requalification works of the Ex Configliachi Complex in via Guido Reni 59, Padua.
The building is currently in a precarious state but holds great architectural value. The Municipality of Padua has decided to transform it into a community space for the Arcella neighborhood, which is densely populated but lacks such spaces.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the construction works for the glass roof of the internal courtyard of Palazzo del Collegio dei Nobili and refunctionalization and reorganization of spaces on the ground floor and first hypogeum of the Egyptian Museum of Turin.
The new roof combines creativity and elegance with sustainability and functionality. It is designed to collect rainwater, provide excellent natural and artificial lighting through its transparency and integration with the lighting system, and ensure good natural ventilation and thermo-hygrometric regulation with minimal mechanical systems.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works for the a new Athletic Sports Center serving the schools on Raffaello Sanzio Street in Empoli.
The project includes an athletic facility featuring an 8-lane outdoor track for national competitions, an indoor training track of 60 meters, a covered gym, grandstands with 1,514 seats, locker rooms, and restrooms. The external area will be developed with a large parking lot, green spaces, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and parking areas.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works of the new “A. Steffani” conservatory in the municipality of Castelfranco Veneto that aim to consolidate all educational activities into a single location, currently dispersed across Villa Barbarella, the Chiostro dei Serviti, and the Teatro Accademico.
The new facility will include classrooms, laboratories, a library, and spaces for ensemble music. Additionally, a glass hall will be built to connect the buildings and will host small exhibitions and a collection of antique instruments owned by the municipality.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works of a New Cruise Terminal on the cruise quay of Porto Corsini and on adjacent state-owned areas granted to Ravenna Civitas Cruise Port Srl.
The creation of the new terminal will also contribute to the revitalization of Porto Corsini, developing a modern, sustainable cruise port that harmonizes with the surrounding environment.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works of the new building for the IRIS Project of the University of Milan in the LASA Hub, in Segrate.
This facility will host equipment for the development of superconducting magnets related to the IRIS Project and will promote the study of superconductivity and magnetism. IRIS will be an advanced laboratory dedicated to accelerators and their associated test facilities (AATF laboratory).
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the requalification works of the plant system of the Veronamercato Spa.
The project involves improving the refrigeration system in two areas of the fruit and vegetable sector and installing an intelligent system for managing and tracking goods.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works of a new Learning Center “Giovanni Cottino” in Torino.
The ground floor will feature a green courtyard and common spaces such as the conference hall, exhibition area, café, study areas, and services. The upper floors will be dedicated to teaching rooms and relaxation areas. The external areas will be designed later and shared with other buildings in the Cittadella Politecnica.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the requalification works of the Congress and Exhibition Center “Le Ciminiere” in Catania.
The construction work involves addressing various structural and deterioration issues. It includes replacing the damaged ground floor flooring and resolving water infiltration problems on terraces and rooftop gardens, with waterproofing and restoration of the greenery.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the restoration works of the Liceo Magistrale “A. Pieralli” in Perugia.
The intervention aims to improve the seismic safety of the building after the damage sustained during the 2016 earthquakes, which rendered it uninhabitable.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the realization works of an underground parking facility “Mottolino” for the Milano Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics.
The project involves the construction of an underground parking garage with three levels below ground in Livigno, designed to seamlessly integrate with the landscape and minimize environmental impact.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of restoration and redevelopment works of the ASAC – Historical Archive of Contemporary Arts of the Venice Arsenal.
The project involves the restoration and functional recovery of buildings in the Arsenale to create a permanent international center for contemporary arts research. The new ASAC headquarters will be adjacent to the exhibition spaces of the Mostre and the Giardini Library, aiming to promote continuous dialogue among the curators of the various sections.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of realization works of the new San Paolo socio-sanitary District in Prato.
The building will house all social and health services, and an external space will be created featuring green areas and a perimeter walkway with benches and lighting. Additionally, a separate entrance for the medical guard will be established on Via Donizetti to ensure its independence during the district’s off-hours while maintaining a connection with existing structures.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of urbanization and construction works of a multi-storey parking lot of the Esselunga in Modena
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the reconstruction works of High School Gymnasium “Dante Alighieri” in Ravenna.
This intervention involves the construction of a new two or three-story building, connected to the existing structure, which will primarily include two gym halls with the necessary distribution and service areas.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of extension works of the “A. Vespucci” School in via Valvassori Peroni 10, Milan.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of development works of the Cornadero intermunicipal water extraction system serving the municipalities of Milano Nord.
The central facility will consist of two separate buildings: the first will be dedicated to the electrical reception and transformation substation, while the second will house the new system for treating and boosting the water extracted from the wells.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the works for regulatory, seismic, and energy compliance of the ”Vittorini” School in Grugliasco (TO).
The project includes a series of interventions aimed at improving and upgrading the facility in question. Initially, static and seismic reinforcement work will be carried out on the entire building to ensure structural safety. At the same time, fire safety regulations will be updated to meet the latest safety requirements. Additionally, electrical and specialized systems will be upgraded to ensure their proper functioning and compliance with current standards.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of construction works of the new “Fabio Besta” School Complex in Bologna.
Works for the construction of the new Villa Ferro School Complex in Fidenza.
Construction works for the new School ITIS ”Leonardo da Vinci” in Parma, Italy.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of realization works of the new Kindergarten and Primary School “La Madonnina” in Modena.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of restoration and redevelopment works of the ex Zaccagnini Kindergarten to create spaces for the autonomy of not self-sufficient elderly.
Tender management by ATI Project for the awarding of the works of seismic-structural adjustment and energy efficiency of the “Forlanini” School in Sesto San Giovanni (MI).
Tender management by ATI Project for the Design & Build contract for the works for the “Innovative Programme for Quality of Living (PINQUA)” project – P.N.R.R. M5C2I2.3 – Inhabit the regeneration MAS: Mosaico Abitativo Solidale, Work MAS 1 – Mix House XXV Aprile
Renovation works of 10-12 Hall in the Osservanza Complex for the construction of the New District and a Laboratory on the history of psychiatry in Imola.
Works for the urban regeneration and redevelopment of the Veglio area in Turin, with external areas and construction of public housing and services (ASPI).
Works for the construction of Albignasego Municipal Theatre, Padua.
Framework agreements for the construction and redevelopment of nursery schools, kindergartens and childcare centres: Lot 6 – Emilia Romagna (Parma, Piacenza), Lot 14 – Puglia (Lecce, Barletta – Andria), Lot 18 – Tuscany (Siena, Florence), Lot 22 – Veneto (Vicenza), Lot 7 – Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Trieste).
Works for the reconstruction of the Modena Polyclinic, including the demolition of blocks A and L and a new building dedicated to the Transfusion and Pathological Anatomy Center – Complementary National Plan.
Works for the requalification of the building called “Ex Arici Sega” in the Case San Polo area of Brescia, lot 1 – existing building and lot 2 – demolished and rebuilt building and external areas.
Works for the completion of the building to be used as laboratories for the activities of the FaBiT Department (Pharmacy and Biotechnology) of UNIBO (University of Bologna), in Via Gobetti in Bologna.
Framework agreement for the implementation of the Extraordinary Program for the reconstruction of schools damaged by the 2016 earthquake in central Italy – Lot 3: Marche, territorial area 8 (Monte San Giusto – Monte Urano) and territorial area 5 (Municipality of Barbara – Province of Pesaro-Urbino); Lot 4: Umbria, territorial area 4 (Bevagna-Perugia)
Works for the restoration and seismic improvement of the Town Hall of the Municipality of Treia, damaged by the seismic events of 2016.
Works for the reconstruction of the former Riva di Villasanta barracks with demolition and new construction of some of the buildings in via Da Vico, at the corner with via Torretta, in the Verona – first functional lot.
Construction of the new swimming center in the area located in Milan, via del Cardellino n.3
Works for the renovation and restoration of the ex Enel plant in the former Amcm sector in Modena: Nuovo Teatro delle Passioni.
Works of seismic improvement of the Technical Professional Institute of Lugo “E. Stoppa” in via Francesco Baracca
Construction and modernisation of the Bolzano Hospital, Service 3 channel – technical central lot and supply and disposal centre
Construction works for a new school complex in the fraction of Ponte a Elsa, via Poggio a Pino, for the transfer of the existing primary school and the realization of an experimental center for children aged 0-6.
Works for renovation, adaptation and functional optimization of the Mattei 1 University Residences of Camerino – Erdis Marche.
Restoration and static rehabilitation works on the former Manifattura Tabacchi complex in Venice, and requalification for use as judicial offices – III functional lot.
Framework Agreement for the new construction, renovation and redevelopment works of public buildings such as community houses, community hospitals, territorial operations centers and secure hospitals.
Works for the completion of the Department of Veterinary Sciences, comprehensive of external areas and urbanization works in San Piero a Grado, Pisa, Italy.
Works for the construction of the new IIS ”Vittorio Veneto – Città della Vittoria” as a replacement for existing buildings in the municipality of Vittorio Veneto (TV). Intervention financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. PNRR
Works for the seismic renovation of ”Andersen” kindergarten through demolition and reconstruction on another site, in via Guido Rossa in Mottella – Municipality of San Giorgio Bigarello.
Works for the construction of the new “M. Casagrande” High School of Pieve di Soligo (TV), in sostitution of existing buildings.
Works for the realization of Northern Italy Paralympic Sports Center in Villanova sull’Arda, second lot – completion of the indoor swimming pool, construction of sports facilities and exterior areas.
Works for the expansion of the Higher Education Institute (IIS) “A. Parolini” of Bassano del Grappa
Works for the requalification of the New Rectorate compendium – Palazzo di Vetro, headquarters of the Marche Polytechnic University (UNIVPM).
Framework agreement for the realization of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works on the properties owned or licensed for use in any capacity to the Institute of Romagna for the Study of Tumors (IRST) ”Dino Amadori”.
Works for the functionalization of the royal greenhouses formerly Orangerie for reception services at the Royal Museums of Turin.
Works for the demolition of the building in via Pizzigoni n. 9 and construction of a new Secondary School.
Works for the requalification of the University of Bergamo (UNIBG) building, located in via F.lli Calvi in Bergamo, and the construction of a new UNIBG service center.
Works for the expansion of the Bulgari Manufacture in Valenza and Pecetto di Valenza.
Framework agreement for the execution of extraordinary maintenance works for the ” Duilio Casula ” Polyclinic of Cagliari.
Two-year framework agreement for the maintenance works of buildings and housing S.A.P (Public Housing Services) in Lissone.
Framework agreement for the works to be carried out on real estate in use by the Reggio Emilia USL – Local Health Unit (Lot 1).
Building renovation works with adaptation to the fire prevention regulations of the property owned by INAIL located in Naples, via S.Nicola alla Dogana n. 9.
Works to be carried out at the former psychiatric hospital in Genoa Quarto for the restoration of the monumental Pavilion and the facades of the historic pavilions of the old Institute for the construction of plant infrastructures, divided into three lots.
LOT 1 – Restoration of the Monumental Pavilion 22 and construction of the ASL training center
LOT 2 – Construction of plant infrastructures in the Old Institut
LOT 3 – Restoration of the facades and porticoes of part of the historic pavilions of the Old Institute.
Three-year Framework Agreement for the awarding of works to be carried out on buildings in use or owned by the University of Parma.
Works for the construction of a building with the purpose of border control post and offices of the Port of Livorno.
Works for the construction of a third building within the Campus of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the Kirchberg plateau in Luxembourg. The new building consists of a 16-floor tower that stands on a podium of four floors, for approximately 64,000 square meters.
Works for the extraordinary maintenance / renovation works of the RSD (Healthcare residences for the disabled) ”Beato Papa Giovanni XXIII” of Limbiate, Italy.
Works for the partial demolition works of the ” former primary school Via Valle Madonna ” in Pratola Peligna (AQ) and the construction of a protected residence for non self-sufficient elderly people.
Works for the renovation of the MV / LV transformer substations of the hospital ” S. Martino ” of Belluno.
Works for the completion of the school complex in Via Oberdan in the municipality of Scafati (Salerno, Italy).
Construction works for the Valpocevera ”Palazzo della Salute” healthcare facility in Genoa.
Works for the completion of the “Walk along the canal” in Ravenna.
Works for the adaptation and renovation of the RAO residence for the elderly in Oderzo (Treviso).
Construction of health facilities in the pavilions called “Chiarugi” and Kraepelin “- Former Niccolò Hospital, Siena.
Construction works for university residences in the building of the former San Martino surgical clinic in Genoa – Lot A and B.
Construction works for the new ”S. Arcangelo’’ complex, intended to house the ‘’Carnival Factory’’ and the ‘’House of Music’’ of the Municipality of Fano.
Consolidation works with seismic improvement of the municipal building “ex Palazzo Corbelli” of Concordia sulla Secchia.
Works for the redevelopment of the public residential buildings in Bollate, in via Turati and via Verdi.
Framework agreement for the maintenance works on schools and provincial buildings of Brescia.
Construction works for the Staglieno and Gavette depots, preparatory to the new power axles system for local public transport (civil and plants works with the exception of the electrification system of the axes).
Construction works for the new ”G. Pascoli’’ Elementary School, within the San Vittore school complex.
Works for the conservative rehabilitation and restoration of the roof, cloisters and construction of the air conditioning system at the Engineering Triennium of the University of Pisa, in Largo Lucio Lazzarino, n.2.
Construction works for a new healthcare facility, aimed to enhance the local health services in the municipality of Laterza (TA).
Conservative restoration and works for the requalification of the former San Francesco judicial prison into a residential facility for university students.
Works for the renovation of the former Embassy cinema in Bologna, via Azzo Gardino 61, to be allocated as the new headquarters of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Directorate of the Agenzia del Demanio (State Property Agency).
Construction works for a new school complex in Rovereto S/S in the Municipality of Novi, province of Modena (second phase of the first lot of works).
Construction works for the new Middle School “G. Toniolo” (first phase of the lot 1), in the Municipality of Istrana (Treviso).
Four-year framework agreement for the carrying out of extraordinary maintenance works on the roadway – 2020 lot 20 – Lombardy Network Management Area.
Construction works for the redevelopment of the Port Complex of Cervia – Milano Marittima and its economic and financial management through project financing.
Construction works for the renovation of the Hospital in Imperia, through an intervention named “Hospital Center Imperia. Monobloc A. Adaptation to the minimum requirements DPR. 14/01/1997 of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th floor”.
Construction works for the new “Pharmanutra Spa” industrial complex, for the production of food supplements.
Accordo Quadro per la manutenzione straordinaria delle infrastrutture strumentali quali serbatoi pensili di proprietà e/o in concessione da parte del GRUPPO CAP, oggetto del servizio idrico integrato, mediante risanamento a basso impatto ambientale.
Works in the areas pertaining to the complexes owned and / or managed by Ater Roma, maintenance of greenery and cleaning of outdoor spaces.
Construction works for the new hospital building called ”MIRE” (Maternity and Infancy Reggio Emilia).
Construction works for the new SW Village and Camp Ederle North.
Works for the remediation and reconstruction of buildings for public services, owned by ALER, in via Lorenteggio 181, Milan.
Works for the restoration and redevelopment of the “A. Fusinato student house” complex in via Marzolo in Padua.
Works for the requalification of the former Stock industrial area and redevelopment of the Polstrada headquarters.
Works for the renovation and adaptation of the property in via Saldini 50, Palazzo delle Scienze, in Milan.
Framework agreement for the building maintenance of the instrumental assets owned by the University Hospital – Consortium of the Policlinico and Giovanni XXIII Hospital of Bari, as well as the properties owned by the University of Bari within the Polyclinic area.
Works for the expansion of the barracks of the financial police ”E. Bertarini’’ in via Tanari, Bologna.
Construction works for the new Educational Pole of Pharmaceutical Sciences and of the new warehouse, with related interdepartmental technical rooms, in the University Center enclosed between via Bassi, via Aselli and via Taramelli in Pavia.
Works and supplies necessary for the construction of building 1 of the Food Project Area, at the Science and Technology Campus of the University of Parma.
Integrated ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works for buildings owned by the Uffizi Galleries.
Works for the redevelopment and functional recovery of Warehouse 15 b/c, in Reggio Emilia.
Construction works for the new accommodation facility within the Parco dell’Amicizia in the Municipality of Costermano sul Garda (Verona).
Works for the completion of the road network on the right bank of the Polcevera stream – Sublot 3 in Genoa.
Works for the seismic and functional adaptation of the School Complex in via Buozzi, via Rosselli and via Carducci in Castiglione del Lago.
Consolidation, redevelopment and adaptation works for the road bridge over the Reno river, called Pontelungo, 2nd and last lot.
Construction works for the new Primary School in Spino d’Adda.
Construction works for a new university building at the Arcispedale “S. Anna” of Cona, in Ferrara.
Works for the construction of the Maranello Sports Park – 1st section.
Works for the renovation, redevelopment and removal of architectural barriers relating to the premises of the ‘’Renato Einaudi’’ University College, in corso Lione 24 and via delle Rosine n.3 in Turin.
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions on buildings and structures owned by the municipality and in use by the administration and on the areas pertaining to the competence of the municipal administration of Cervia.
Works for the elimination of defects and non-conformities of the processes carried out in Cat. OS18 in the construction of the new Palazzo Unico of the Piedmont Region.
Works relating to the green areas of the San Giuliano park in Venice: reorganization of the nautical center and complementary works.
Extraordinary maintenance aimed at the removal of glass fibers and the remediation of asbestos in public residential buildings in the Municipality of Milan.
Works for the functional and regulatory adaptation of the School building located in Via Nini da Fano, in Bergamo.
Facility management and integrated management of activities to be carried out in the areas of the historical and environmental Geomineral Park of Sardinia.
Construction works for the new Citadel of Sport and Health of the University of Perugia – 1st lot.
Works for the completion of the south-eastern outlet manifold of the city of Palermo – Lot II.
Construction works for the urbanization and infrastructural works foreseen by the urban planning agreement for the Futurshow Station area.
Construction works for a building intended as a multipurpose classroom at the service of the new “Felice Maritano” School of Marshals and Brigaders of the Carabinieri.
Restoration, conservative redevelopment and consolidation works aimed at the re-functionalization of the “Ex Perfosfati” building in Portogruaro.
Works related to the construction of a new Middle School in via Adriano, in Milan.
Construction works related to the tram extension via Assagora in the Adriano district, in Milan
Works for the refunctionalization of the building called “Service Unit 6”, within the former site for the 2015 Milan Universal Exposition.
Works for the renovation and expansion of the veterinary medicine complex at the Agripolis Complex, located in Legnaro, Padua.
Construction works for the renovation of Corps 02 of the ‘’S. Maria Bianca’’ Hospital in Mirandola.
Construction works for the New Elementary School with adjoining sports hall in the municipality of Castiraga Vidardo (Lodi).
Works for the conservation and redevelopment of the former Santo Spirito Hospital – third lot – in the province of Cremona.
Management, operation and maintenance of the buildings and facilities of the Milan Monza-Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce.
Works related to interventions for the achievement of compliance with the technical standards for fire prevention of the Martina Franca Hospital Center (Taranto).
Framework agreement for the wanagement, care and cultivation of the greenery of the Municipality of Forlì.
Implementation of the works foreseen by the urban planning agreement for the urban transformation program called “Vigna Murata”, in the Municipality of Rome.
Restoration, redevelopment and valorization works for the “Ex Asilo Santarelli” building in Forlì.
Realizzazione del nuovo complesso a uso uffici ‘’Spark One’’, nell’ex Area Radaelli a Milano.
Works for the completion of the construction of an underground car park in Genoa, Largo Benzi.
Works for the restoration and completion with seismic improvement of Building 1 and activation of the Primary Care Center and Health Center, Northern Operational Area – former Hospital of Finale Emilia – District 2.
Construction works for the extension of the “Corradini” High School in via Milano in Thiene (Vicenza).
Construction works for the new “National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah” – second lot, building D – in Ferrara.
Renovation works aimed at the recovery of the buildings of the “former Berardi Barracks” of Chieti – Intervention 2 – intended for the Agenzia delle Entrate (Revenue Agency).
Construction works for the South Ring Road of Bernate Ticino – “Redevelopment of the former A4 Motorway’’.
Works for the adaptation of fire prevention norms at the ”Bassini” Hospital of Cinisello Balsamo.
Redevelopment, energy efficiency improvement and maintenance of public lighting and traffic light systems in the city of Livorno, with the aim of creating a “Smart City” system.
Construction works for a new nursing home for the elderly in the municipality of Sandrigo (Vicenza).
Works for the redevelopment of properties owned by the Territorial Health Unit of Milan, as the new Headquarters. Lot 1: conservative renovation of the property located in Via Conca del Naviglio.
Renovation and expansion works for the “D” building of the Nursing home for the elderly “Antica Scuola dei Battuti” headquarters in Mestre.
Ordinary maintenance services to be performed on properties owned or managed by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Construction works for the new provincial headquarters of the Forestry Corps of the State of Aquila and for the external area in Polveriera.
Construction works for the new middle school in Via Dante Alighieri in Liscate (Milan).
Construction works for the public park called “Parco della Pace”, in Vicenza.
Construction works for a new logistical-production building in via Nuova Zelanda, in Padua.
Extraordinary maintenance and energy efficiency upgrade works on the Student House in Viale Hungary, in Udine.
Renovation and functional redevelopment works for the “F1” and “F2” buildings in the “former OPP of San Giovanni” in Trieste.
Framework agreement for three-year maintenance works to be carried out on properties owned or in use by the Romagna Local Health Center (AUSL Romagna).
Works for the restoration, seismic adaptation and expansion of the directional pavilion of the San Gregorio Institute, in Valdobbiadene (Treviso).
Requalification works for the ex Manifattura Tabacchi – Tecnopolo of Bologna.
Construction of works related to the new management and operational headquarters of Romagna Acque, in Forlì.