ATI Project
ATI Project
ATI Project


Designing future places, spaces and contexts, putting people and the environment at the centre of architecture and design


Exploring new ways to enrich the lives of the people who live in our buildings

«Architecture is the inspiration of everyday living. We seek a balance between the various disciplines, to give structure to creativity. This allows us to shape a single integrated project, which goes beyond particularities and is the spokesperson for our overall vision».

ATI Project is an international company specialized in integrated design in the field of architecture and engineering, committed to the development of sustainable buildings with reduced environmental impact.

The studio was established in 2011 by Branko Zrnic and Luca Serri, founders dedicated to research in the field of bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy. In twelve years, the team has grown from 2 to 350 collaborators, with an average age of 32.

The initial outline of the structure is the same that still drives its growth today: a young, visionary, technological studio that natively uses the BIM methodology to promote multidisciplinarity, as well as innovation and sustainability.

The complexity and number of projects reflect the international success of the office, which today, in addition to its headquarters in Pisa, has offices in Milan, Belgrade, Odense, Paris, Copenhagen, Geneva and Tallinn.


Our commitment

Realising sustainable and valuable architecture.
Working alongside our customers

ATI Project is the interpreter of a synergic and multidisciplinary approach to design. A team of professionals that develops a clear idea of architecture and contemporaneity, welcoming the different sensibilities involved in the design process.

Sustainability is the engine of inspiration and the ultimate goal of our research. It is the protagonist of the firm’s integrated processes, a parameter for the feasibility of investments by clients and customers and the centre of a renewed awareness in society.

ATI Project invests in research and development in technology and BIM for optimised management of complex systems, to ensure high quality standards, maximise performance, reliability and completeness, as well as saving time and resources. For the environment and for customers.

Our vision

Creating a better reality

«Imagining is not enough. We are accustomed to building».

ATI Project‘s conviction is that the universal language of architecture can become a vehicle for widespread change.
Each project is conceived as a tool to shape reality and to build a sustainable future, in which the economic challenge can walk hand in hand with the ecological one.

ATI Project‘s commitment is to be ahead of the times and to be the spokesperson for a positive transformation by activating shared good practices, in order to positively affect the development model and the lifestyle of each of us.


Our method

Integrating processes and ensuring control of all phases, designing in a BIM environment

«It is the complete integration of processes and the 100% multidisciplinary skills of the team that allow us to achieve total control of time, cost and quality».

At ATI Project, integrated design is natively developed in a BIM – Building Information Modeling – environment. Right from the start, the interdisciplinary team – consisting of engineers, architects and specialised technicians – initiates the design process, which includes all aspects gravitating around the future realization, from an architectural, structural and plant engineering point of view.

Through shared perspectives and innovative technologies, the project brings together multidisciplinary aspects of architectural choices, with the needs and requirements of the client and of the surrounding context, as well as specialist issues relating to sustainability and optimised functionality on the basis of cost and time scheduling prerogatives.

The aim is a harmonious combination of form and technology, an overall result that leaves no area behind. For an articulated and efficient project, in all respects.

Main data


Years of activity and constant growth since 2011


Professionals on the team


Intenational offices


Projects, covering over 1 million square metres


Successful tenders

25+ millions

Turnover in euro



ATI Project is established in Pisa, consisting of the two founders: Branko Zrnic and Luca Serri.


ATI wins its first design competition, the new headquarters of Forti Holding.


ATI's first completed building, Scuola Capuana in Florence, is inaugurated.


The studio moves to new premises. The team reaches 50 collaborators.


Milan office opens. The team grows to 90 people.


ATI Project lands in Odense, Denmark. The new Belgrade HQ opens.


Two more new offices, in Paris and Geneva. The team grows to 185 employees.


The studio reaches a team of 300 collabolators, with 7 international offices.


ATI Project‘s certifications are a guarantee of quality for clients and a source of pride for the company as a whole.


Associate of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare


Member of OICE


Member of EFCA


Member of Italian National Center for Hospital Building and Technology


ATI PROJECT participated in the Regional Operational Program (POR) of the European Regional Development Fund (Fesr) 2014-2020 with the ATI PROJECT INNOVATION project. Operation / project co-financed by the POR FESR Tuscany 2014-2020